Monday, June 22, 2009

Solstice, Earthquake and Soccer!

On Saturday night, Brandon and I went to the Long Branch Saloon for a burger and drink, then headed to Humpy's--they were having a music festival of sorts in honor of Solstice. It reminded me of Austin: lots of tie die/hippies, and just "different" people in general, all coming together for one common purpose! I will spare you all of the long, unnecessary but interesting details...basically we made a lot of new random friends and it was a really good time!

Today I experienced my first earthquake! I was sitting at the computer in the office at my house, much like I am right now, and felt some rumbling for about ten seconds. The thought crossed my mind, but I thought I was exaggerating and that maybe something was just going on down in the garage. But when I got to work, everyone was talking about it. Crazy! It really wasn't that big of a deal--nothing went flying or anything, but it was just weird to experience and the news said it was a 5.4 , a decent sized-earthquake. Check that one off the list!

Other than that, nothing too eventful happened today. I finished updating my resume and cover letter for an assignment (thank you for those who helped me :)) and will be sending them off this week! There is a recreational therapist position at a pediatric center in NYC which would be wonderful! It probably wouldn't work out because I won't really be able to start anything until November-ish (coming back from AK 9/17 and then doing stuff for Chels' wedding until the end of October) and I doubt the position would be open then, but you never know! Also, our soccer team had their first game tonight in "The Dome" and it was a lot of fun, the kids really enjoyed it! That's all for now :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun, Lo! Glad the earthquake wasn't too crazy :) We miss you!! Don't get too comfortable there - we want you to come home eventually!

